1 Oct

So, here it is…I have teased this announcement and I have held my breath until I thought I would nearly pass out. Are you sitting down? You should definitely be sitting down.


Me and M-Dot. We’re gonna be like peas and carrots.

Okay, before you get *too* excited…no, I am not going as a competitor. (Whomp, whomp. Sorry to let you down.) However, I will be spectating as an Ambassador of Timex!

I know, I know. You can’t even handle this right now, can you?? I am excited too!

A while back I saw that Timex put out a call to arms, seeking socially saavy endurance sports enthusiasts to represent them at the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii. After I read the job description, I immediately knew that I was the right person for the task! I hurriedly sent in my application. And then I waited…and waited…

Was this a total long shot? Yes, indeed.
Was this my total dream assignment? Yes, indeed.

Long story short, yours truly got selected as one of the finalists! WOO HOO! So, what does this all mean??

This means that I will be onsite in Kona from October 8th through October 15th spectating the Ironman World Championships like, well…a champ! This will be my first time at an event of this magnitude and I simply cannot wait to share all of the events, excitement, and happenings with you. Thanks to the great world wide interweb, I will be able to fill you in via my blog, Twitter, facebook, and instagram (@katieRUNSthis), so be ready for some posts, photos, and videos! And if I am really feeling frisky, I might just hope on Ustream during the annual Underpants Run so that you can see what is going on…in real-time! And don’t forget…to see all of the other action and to find out what the other ambassadors are up to, be sure to LIKE the Timex facebook page!

This is going to be so much fun! I. AM. PSYCHED. I never, never thought this would be happening, but alas, here it is. I am so ready!

I have to give a huge, HUGE shout out to Timex. I mean, massive HUGE. I am so thankful for this opportunity to see this event and, more importantly, share it with all of you! I already know that I will get inspired to pursue my goal of being an Ironman 70.3 finisher!

Immediately, I suppose this means two things…

I need to pick out a decent alternative to “next to nothin’” skivvies for the Underpants Run. This mama will NOT be out there running in a thong. (Yeah, yeah…call me a poor sport. Trust me, it would not be good for anyone!)

Photo Credit:

I’ll have to add some sweet tunes by Iz Ka’ano’i Kamakawiwo’ole to my running mix to start getting me in the mood!
Iz Hawaii

I seriously love his music. Baby Key is a huge fan too!)

Many, many more details to come over the next couple of weeks! As soon as I know them, you’ll know them! I promise! Stay tuned, boys and girls!

In the meantime, I need some suggestions! Which competitor would you have YOUR eyes on? Which triathlete would YOU love to meet? What should I see while I am there? Where should I eat? Any advice for traveling that far?


  1. katiemoves October 1, 2012 at 11:51 AM #

    That is SO awesome!!!! I would love to meet Christie Wellington!

  2. Michelle @ Running with Attitude October 1, 2012 at 12:14 PM #

    What an amazing opportunity!! I would definitely want to meet Christie Wellington!

  3. Ann October 1, 2012 at 12:23 PM #

    I cannot think of a better person than YOU to represent Timex at the IMKona. CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOUR RECAPS, PICS and STORIES!! Ahhh, how exciting!!!! 🙂

  4. Jennifer F October 1, 2012 at 1:23 PM #

    whoohoo awesome!

  5. Tasha @ Healthy Diva October 1, 2012 at 10:42 PM #

    That is really cool that you got selected to go. It would be inspiring to watch all of the festivities it such a large event. I met a Kona AG winner (don’t know her AG) at the Seattle Rock n Roll this last June. She just happened to win her 2nd Seattle R n R race and is also an incredible triathlete. I am pretty sure she will be back in Kona so watch for Sheila Croft. 🙂

  6. runningwithsass October 2, 2012 at 5:36 PM #

    that is SO AWESOME! congrats girl you deserve it!


  1. OCTOBER: Run, Work, Run, Work… « katieRUNSthis - October 3, 2012

    […] World Championships with Timex (Kona, HI) If you missed the big announcement the other day, click here to find out all the details. Since then, I have received a sweet welcome kit from Timex! I received […]

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